“Whether it is our eating habits, our grooming or even our clothing, waste from all these seemingly harmless activities have a lasting effect on the environment.”
– Gargee Vasavada.
Sustainable ecosystem is a product of conscious and responsible steps. But people have mis-interpreted its actual sense. Responsible steps include using the product completely instead of throwing it away in order to buy a green substitute. Being sustainable is reducing or moving towards zero-waste pattern of living.
Through Sustain Talks platform, a young change maker at Sustain and Save, AleeshaRane got in conversation with Gargee Vasavada, founder of EcoDeeds.
Hailing from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Gargee Vasavada is familiar and aware of the street food culture prevailing there. But something that disturbed and set her thinking was the generation of plastic waste. Seeing that instigated her to initiate EcoDeeds. EcoDeeds is an effort focusing on reducing the waste generated by creating affordable, sustainable products for everyday use.
Nowadays, “everybody’s using it then why not me?” is unfortunately the mind-set of the people around us grieved Mrs. Vasavada. Despite knowing the hazardous and harmful effects of the consumables people hesitate to change their attitude. They fail to understand that what they do today can improve theirtomorrow’s.It’s about letting convenience take a back seat and opting for resources that are environment friendly.
Through EcoDeeds, Mrs.Vasavada has been trying to spread this awareness. But as every endeavour faces few hurdles, even this venture has its own. The main one being, educating the educated. Despite being au fait with the present climatic conditions, they need to be informed about what’s good and bad. Even small things like, ‘carry cloth bags from home’ need posts and stories to enlighten them. When will they act wisely? Because, unless they change how do we expect the unknowledgeable one’s to change?
All this, sends out one message loud and clear, ‘One should live less out of habit and more of intent.’ It’s essential to alter our traditional routines with modern changes. We should opt for natural loofahs, reusable facial cleaners, Kora bags, seed pencils etc. than all cheap but harmful single use products. Because ‘Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.’
By : Riya Nathe